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        How to Build Company Culture with Remote Employee Swag

        Remote work has become the new norm, with roughly 27 percent of the American workforce working remotely at least some of the time. While there are many benefits to having a remote workforce, maintaining a strong company culture is a challenge for many companies.

        The good news is that creating a sense of belonging, connection and pride among remote employees is still very much achievable. One effective way to achieve this is by utilizing remote employee swag. Let’s look closer at how to leverage remote employee swag to build and nurture a vibrant company culture.

        The Importance of Company Culture in a Remote Setting

        Company culture refers to shared values, beliefs, behaviors and practices that make up a business and its employees. In a remote work environment, nurturing a positive company culture is essential for several reasons:

        • Employee Engagement. A strong company culture enhances employee engagement and motivation, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction.
        • Team Cohesion. A cohesive company culture helps remote teams feel connected and work harmoniously towards common goals.
        • Attraction and Retention. A vibrant culture makes your company attractive to top talent and encourages current employees to stay.
        • Brand Advocacy. A positive culture encourages employees to become brand advocates, promoting the company’s values and mission.

        Introducing Remote Employee Swag

        Swag, often referred to as promotional merchandise, typically includes items like t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, stickers and more. While it has long been associated with in-person events and office environments, it can also be a powerful tool for shaping company culture in a remote setting. Here are some of the ways you can use company swag for your remote workforce.

        Align Swag with Company Values

        Your swag should reflect your company’s values, mission and vision. Consider creating designs or messages that resonate with your employees and remind them of what your company stands for. You can even involve your remote employees in the design process. It can be helpful to know what types of swag they want to receive!

        Personalization for the Win

        Sending personalized swag to remote employees shows that you value and recognize their individual contributions. Include their name, team or even a personalized note to make it extra special. Plus, receiving something special and unexpected creates a sense of excitement and appreciation, which can go a long way in boosting morale.

        Celebrate Milestones and Achievements

        Use swag to celebrate important milestones, work anniversaries, project completions and more. This not only fosters a sense of achievement but also acknowledges your remote employees’ hard work. Encourage remote employees to wear or use their matching swag items during virtual meetings or team events. This will help them feel more connected to the team.

        Host Virtual Events and Challenges

        Organize virtual events, challenges or competitions that allow employees to earn swag items. This encourages participation, engagement and healthy competition among remote teams. Virtual events also give remote workers the chance to interact freely, building stronger bonds and reinforcing a positive work environment.

        Build a Stronger Culture with Remote Employee Swag

        Building a strong company culture in a remote work setting requires creativity and intentional efforts. Remote employee swag offers a tangible way to connect, engage and inspire your virtual workforce. By aligning swag with company values, personalizing it and using it to celebrate achievements, you can foster a sense of belonging and pride among your remote employees.

        To discuss some of the best remote swag for your virtual workforce, contact Inkwell today. Not only do we have a huge selection of promotional merchandise, but also we have unique ways to get this swag into your employees’ hands, including our company stores and custom swag boxes.

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