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      your business to be memorable. Create merch that
      impresses & get your brand noticed with Inkwell.

        How to Level Up Your Marketing Strategy in Cost-Effective Ways

        Marketing is a crucial part of any business. Without marketing, you would have no way of spreading news about the benefits of your products and services. But when you’re operating on a tight budget, investing in marketing tactics can be difficult. And with many businesses struggling to catch up after the pandemic, marketing and PR budgets are often first to go.

        But what if we told you that you could level up your marketing strategy without spending a lot of money? There are plenty of cost-effective ways to market your brand, promote your products and services and grow your audience. Here are some examples that we hope you’ll try!

        Create Engaging Content

        One of the best things you can do is create regular content for your brand. If you write it yourself and post it to your blog and social channels, it costs nothing! Consider that B2B buyers are 57 to 70 percent through their buying research before contacting a salesperson. This means that they rely on content to explore companies, research products and read testimonials.

        Be sure to offer your audience a mix of content so that they can consume it in ways that appeal to them. Here are some examples:

        • Short and long-form content
        • Polls, surveys and quizzes
        • Infographics
        • How-to videos
        • Social media content
        • Webinars
        • Case studies
        • Guides and ebooks

        Invest Time in Relationship Building

        Another way to elevate your marketing strategy is to build the right relationships. Many consumers are hesitant to buy things right now because of a looming recession. This means that they will need more time to make decisions and evaluate their options.

        While you might have to wait longer to close sales, the advantage is that you have more time to build relationships. These connections are important, as 76 percent of consumers say they will keep doing business with a brand they feel connected to.

        Take Advantage of Networking Events

        Even though virtual events are becoming more commonplace, they shouldn’t replace face-to-face interaction. Make sure that you are still attending in-person events such as trade shows, networking events, training workshops and more. This gives you an opportunity to meet other people, build relationships and expand your network.

        Since some events do have pricey registration fees, stick to those that you know will have a good turnout and are in your local area. This way, you don’t have to pay for travel expenses.

        Create a Direct Mail Campaign

        Direct mail marketing is an excellent way to reach your target audience. Better yet, you can give your recipients something tangible, such as a promotional item or a ticket to your grand opening. Many customers still consider direct mail to be more trustworthy than online ads. Also, a lot of companies no longer do direct mail, which means your campaign will really stand out!

        Always Have High Quality Swag on Hand

        Lastly, make sure that you always have branded swag on hand. You can bring this swag to your networking events and trade shows, mail it out to customers or use it for giveaways. People love to receive free stuff, especially when it’s versatile, useful and high in quality.

        By ordering swag ahead of time, you’ll always have neat prizes on hand to spread the word about your business. Keep in mind that people who receive promotional products are more likely to recall the brand name and develop a more favorable impression of the brand.

        Are you ready to level up your marketing strategy? Contact Inkwell to discuss your options for a promotional product campaign. We can help with setting up a direct mail campaign, a company store, a trade show event and so much more!

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