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        5 Tips for Making Your Trade Show Appearance a Success

        Trade shows have proven to be effective across all the stages of the buyer’s journey. It is estimated that the trade show market will grow from $15.7 billion in 2019 to $18.5 billion in 2023.

        Image Source: https://www.marketingcharts.com/cross-media-and-traditional/trade-shows-and-events-traditional-and-cross-channel-109102

        Trade show marketing offers an incredibly effective opportunity for businesses to create a buzz and make key connections with prospective clients. Studies have revealed that 81% of attendees in these events are potential customers. And 87% of exhibitors in the survey rated exhibitions as valuable for business sector promotions. So, even a thoughtful piece of swag, with value and purpose, can generate that buzz for you in these events.

        Take a look at these 5 helpful tips that will help you succeed when designing your next trade show display and exhibit area:

        1. Properly Plan for Trade Events

        If you planning to take part in a trade show, you should plan ahead. It allows you to make the right strategies that will get you the most attention in these events. In fact, 28% of respondents in a survey admitted that they started preparing their marketing 1-2 months before their trade show, while 22% of them prepared 2-4 months before the show.

        2. Spread the Word

        A trade show may have thousands of attendees. So, you need to spread the word about your brand and generate the desired buzz. 92% of trade-show attendees have admitted that their main reason for attending is to see new products being featured. Thus, you should create email campaigns and post on social media platforms to inform your current and potential clients about the event and your company’s attendance.

        3. Draw Attention to Your Booth

        A typical visitor in a trade event spends 8.3 hours looking at exhibits. So, you have a limited time span to capture an attendee’s attention at a trade show. Make sure that your booth stands out and you don’t get lost in a sea of your competitors. You can ensure that your booth has great lighting, prominent branding, easy-to-find brochures, business cards, and other literature.

        You can even use vivid colors and imagery that are consistent with your branding and place easy-to-read text explaining your product or service. You should avoid clutter and highlight your best-selling products more so that you don’t overwhelm your visitors.

        4. Offer an Interactive Experience

        You should consider including an interactive activity at your booth to generate more traffic and provide more opportunities to pique interest in your business. Such activities encourage attendees to not only stop by your booth but also spend more time and learn about your brand and products.

        One great way to engage attendees is to offer marketing swag items that promote your brand. You can go for budget-friendly options like pens, notebooks, reusable bags, etc., or even luxury swag items depending upon the customer base at the event.

        5. Follow Up After the Show

        You need to reach out to your potential clients after the show as well. You can use email marketing campaigns and provide a more general overview or introduction to your brand. 85% of marketers in a study admitted that these campaigns improved their marketing initiatives. So, you should remember to use emails from the show’s attendee list to send a follow-up via email or direct mail.

        So, if you want your trade show to be a success, you need to plan early on, pay attention to the booth displays, incorporate interactive activities, offer swag items, and follow up with clients after the event. That is what will make trade shows an integral weapon in your marketing arsenal.

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