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        Among the endless piles of bills and papers your customers receive every day, direct mail promotional products can be a breath of fresh air. Recipients get excited when they open up their mailbox- expecting to receive their latest invoice, only to find an unexpected package with your personalized promotional item carefully tucked inside (don’t you?).

        A clever direct mail campaign coupled with a promotional product is surprisingly easy and sure to make a memorable impression with clients and prospects.

        Attention-Grabbing Direct Mail

        Inkwell provided Big Switch with Customized ChargersWhether you’re targeting prospects or long-time customers, strategically combining promotional direct mail can be one of the most effective ways to communicate with and gather data from a targeted audience.

        Here are four great reasons why kitting promotional products for your next direct mail marketing campaign won’t just grab attention, but it will get results!

        1. Engaging. Your mailed promotional products won’t get caught up in someone’s inbox spam filter or deleted before it’s even opened. Direct mail gives you the hands-on opportunity to engage with your customers’ attention and invites them to take action in a welcoming way.
        2. Specific. With direct mail, you can target a specific audience, demographic or geographic location using lists and personalized messaging. In fact, studies show that the more targeted your message is, the higher your response rate will be.
        3. Tangible. Appeal to the senses and deliver a tactile experience that other forms of marketing simply can’t deliver upon. Giving your customers the chance to touch and feel a product is a powerful way to drive your message home (literally).
        4. Simply Put: They Work. When your customers receive promotional products via direct mail, they respond. In fact, according to a study by Ball State University, 70-90% will make a purchase or take action (based on your call-to-action) after receiving a promotional product in the mail.

        Inkwell Case Study with ADP: Corporate Promotional Products for Direct Mail

        Inkwell produced a unique Wi-Fi Bluetooth speaker with custom packaging and direct mailed for ADP.Inkwell produced a unique Wi-Fi Bluetooth speaker with custom packaging and direct mailed to 4,000 corporate HR professionals for ADP Direct Mail – TURN UP AGILITY in regards to their HCM strategy and new technology.

        Their custom package contained a personalized note (using variable data printing) with the clients specifically assigned ADP advisors name and contact information. Our team of experts designed the product and packaging, sourced and manufactured the product in China and drop shipped the package to 4,000 targeted individuals.

        Each box contained a link for the recipient to receive access to their Agility Quotient and ADP used this to gather specific data and funnel that information to the respondent’s ADP advisor. The mailing coupled with advisor follow up was an efficient and economical way for ADP to reach their targeted audience.

        Production, Kitting, Fulfillment and Direct Mail from Inkwell Global MarketingDrive Your Message Home (Literally) with Direct Mail Promotional Products

        Make a lasting impression with “pick, pack and ship” and custom kits for your next marketing campaign. Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped to handle anything from complex web stores to custom programs for on-demand ordering. Whether you need 20 or 2,000 kits, we guarantee you’ll get what you need on time and on budget.

        Contact us today at 1-800-437-8518 to get a quote for kitting and direct mail services with Inkwell.

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